You learn to write better by reading. You learn to read better by writing. Reading and Writing work together to improve your ability to think.

Learning to write is one of the most important things that your child will do at primary school. Almost all other areas of the curriculum are assessed through writing so strong writing is one of the keys to academic success. Good writing also gives your child a voice to share their ideas with the world.


Writing at Handale Primary School

Through our teaching and learning, pupils develop the skills to become creative, fluent writers with the ability to write clearly and coherently for a range of purposes and audiences.

We aim for all children to…

  • Develop a love of writing and have pride in their written accomplishments
  • Know how to plan, revise and evaluate their writing effectively
  • Understand that in order for them to develop as fluent writers, it is essential that they develop competency in phonics, word/spelling structure and handwriting enabling effective transcription.
  • Embed basic skills in order to widen their knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. This will allow them to develop their writing so they are able to articulate, communicate and organise their ideas for the audience and purpose. (Becoming authors!).
  • Talk about their successes and areas for development
  • Write for pleasure rather than because they have too
  • Be confident writers and show off what they can do
  • Be exposed to a range of genres
  • Know what genres they are writing, what the purpose is and who the audience is

All pupils write daily in some form across the curriculum using the skills and knowledge acquired in English lessons. Class teachers follow the long term curriculum plan and school planning documents to ensure that children are exposed to all genres and writing forms. Modelled and Shared writing takes place frequently in the writing lesson. Shared writing is a whole class activity where the teacher models the writing of the text. In shared writing, the pupils will contribute to the text by suggesting words or sentences to be used. The teacher demonstrates how to write and explains decisions. Teachers model thinking, rehearsing sentences, writing and re-reading constantly generating words and ideas. Across the key stages, teachers focus on the purpose, audience, level of formality, structure and organisation of the text. A particular aspect of word or sentence level work provides an additional focus depending on the objectives and targets being worked on at that time.

To view our Writing Long Term Plan, please click here

To view Writing Endpoints, please click here.


Handwriting Aims

· To produce clear, concise, legible handwriting

· To provide equal opportunities for all pupils to achieve success in handwriting

· To present work to a variety of audiences neatly

· To develop accuracy and fluency

· To help children recognise that handwriting is a form of communication and as such should be considered important in order for it to be effective

· To display neatly presented work around the school and in classrooms as a model of excellence for others to aspire to

· To encourage pupils to take pride in their work

At Handale Primary, we have a consistent handwriting style leading from print to cursive.  Handwriting is taught a minimum of two times a week in KS1 and KS2.  Children work in pencil until their writing is neat, consistent and joined.  At this point they are awarded a ‘Pen Licence’ which they keep with them and use in all exercise books. Pen licence winners are listed in the Handale newsletter every half term. 


Spelling Curriculum Overview

Please clink the links below to download a copy of our Trust Spelling Curriculum Overview and our Information for Parents document.

Spelling Shed is used across the school for children to access their weekly spellings. Spelling is taught discretely every day for 15 minutes and the spelling lists are sent home for children to practice for a weekly test on a Friday. During the year, spelling is assessed six times formally but on an ongoing basis through writing and weekly spelling tests. The application of spelling across the curriculum is closely monitored.


Grammar is taught following the Grammarsaurus ‘Place Value of Punctuation and Grammar’ programme. Word Family Lists are displayed in every classroom and are used daily to embed basic skills and for revision.

Please click here to access the Glossary of Definitions.

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Editing and Improving

At Handale, from the early years our pupils are encouraged to read their work aloud to an adult and with support will improve their writing e.g. the use of capital letters or adding a missed word.

In KS1, the children develop their understanding of what ‘editing’ is and why we as writers need to develop this skill to improve our ideas. In Year 2, the children begin to develop peer editing skills and are introduced to the idea of making additions and revisions to their writing.

In KS2, the children develop their editing and improving and are given targeted checklists to improve their written work linked to their writing targets. We encourage the children to be reflective when looking at their work and identify how they can improve their initial work. 

Purple Polishing Pens are used across KS1 and KS2 and children independently edit, improve and polish their own work before it is marked. Editing flaps are also used to show improvements made to a piece of written work.