How is it Wednesday already! The week is flying by. Only two more days of learning and then you get to have a fun Friday again. Start your day by watching the video below. Practise odd and even numbers while exercising and singing along.
Here is your timetable for today…
9am | 9:30am | 10:30am | 11am | 12pm | 1pm | 1:30pm | 3pm |
Spelling | English | break | Maths | dinner | Reading | Quiz | Story |
playground lunchbox sunflower blueberry dragonfly firework lighthouse skateboard snowflake teaspoon superstar wheelchair |
Can you write down 5 more words which are compound words? Remember a compound word is a word which is made up of two words joined together.
After you have done that, practise writing your spellings first with your right hand and then again with your left hand. Then write and complete the sentences below.
I opened my lunchbox and __________________________. My skateboard is so cool because _______________________. The snowflake fell ______________________________________. When the firework flashed, _____________________________. |
Watch the video below and once again practise your handwriting. I am really enjoying seeing your joined up writing.
Because we have had lots of snowy weather over the last couple of day, I thought it would be nice to write about it. Have a look at my writing below. I want you to re-write each sentence but make it even better than mine. You are going to write about your experience of a snow day. Read mine first and think how you can improve it and then IMPROVE it. Make it your best work and use the success criteria below.

What do I want to see in your writing?
- conjunctions
- powerful verbs and adverbs
- sentence of 3
- boastful language – use some excellent vocabulary
- alliteration
Maths Meeting
For your Maths Meeting today, I want you to complete the calculations below and time how long it takes you to complete them.
21 + 4 = 31 + 7 = 22 + 9 = 9 + 13 = 45 + 6 = 87 + 5 = | 23 – 5 = 36 – 2 = 49 – 5 = 67 – 6 = 51 – 8 = 87 – 10 = | 5 + 5 + 5 = 2 + 2 + 2 = 10 + 10 + 10 = 9 + 9 + 9 = 7 + 7 + 7 = 8 + 8 + 8 = |
In Maths today, we are going to be working on 10 more and 10 less. To begin with, watch the video below and complete the learning activities.
After you have completed the activity on the video using the hundred square, complete the extra activities below.

108 is 10 more than _____. 91 is 10 less than _____. If I add 10 to the number 97, I land on the number _____. 20 more than 81 is ____. 20 less than 124 is ____. |
You are going to complete a reading comprehension today on The Great Fire of London. Read the text below and then answer the questions.

Please do not write the questions out, just write the answers. It will save you time.

In PSHE, we would have have been learning all about girls and boys. I would like you to start your PSHE lesson by drawing a boy and a girl and think about the clothes that boys and girls wear. After you have drawn them, please label the clothes and body parts you can see. Finally, answer the questions below in full sentences.
- How are boys and girls the same?
- How are boys and girls different?
- Do boys and girls wear the same clothes?
- Do boys and girls have similar interests?
- Do boys and girls have different interests?
- Are boys better than girls? Are girls better than boys? Are boys and girls equally the same?
- Do you enjoy being a boy/girl and can you tell me why?
Well done Year 2!
Your learning for today is complete! Please remember to email me your work so I can see how well you have worked. Even if you have only managed to complete a couple of the tasks, I would still love to see.
Mrs Farrier
P.S You are all amazing and make me so proud every single day!