Story Time
Please try to follow the timetable as closely as you possibly can.

Please could I encourage all parents and children to ask if you would like your reading books changed as this can be easily arranged. Also, would it be possible to please send photos of your children’s reading records on a Monday or Friday to show evidence that you/your child has read 3 times that week. We want you to get credit for your achievements!

For your reading session from today until Thursday, to celebrate National Storytelling Week, you can take the opportunity to join a Zoom session at 10:30 and listen to me tell you a story (a story which will continue for 4 days) which I have written for you. Because you is all proper mint and I think you deserve you own piece of fiction! The story will also be presented underneath in the reading section but to listen to me and let me do the work for you may give it a different slant. I will then set a task following the story. Give it a go.

This week is Mental Health Week, we will be completing activities throughout the week and then on Friday we will be having a technology free day and celebrating Rainbow Day. Please check Marvellous Me to find out more information about this.


Invite to Join Year 6 English Drop-in Zoom Meeting (09:30)


Meeting ID: 936 5872 0707
Passcode: iuW95h

SPaG: Active and passive

Please watch the video above to guide your SPaG lesson today.

Active Voice

In an active sentence, the subject performs the action (the verb) to the object.

Passive Voice

In a passive sentence, the thing that would normally be the object gets turned into the subject through the use of the passive form of the verb. They often include a prepositional phrase starting with ‘by’.

LC: To solve a mystery:

A beautiful dancer spends all of her life stuck at the top of the clock tower.  She spins on her toes incessantly in order for the clock to work. 

One day she becomes curious about the world outside, especially the balloons that float past her window.  

As she steps into the outside world something has changed.  All the colour has gone from the world and everything is frozen in time. 

The only thing that can bring it to life is our beautiful dancer, powering the clock again.

Your task today: Simple day with no video required. Design a clock tower of your own that can be placed into that village. Add to it what you want. Think about a 13-Storey-Treehouse as you do this. Be a bit different, make it your own Use you imagination and be adventurous.

Draw it and then label with words, noun phrases, exciting vocabulary. On Wednesday you are are going to describe your clock tower so the more you add, the easier your Wednesday work will be.

Clockwork Tower – Super slow writes! - Kingsleigh Primary School
Dear Parents/Carers, Please find below the Home Learning timetable. We have  structured it so that you and your child know what i
The Clock Tower - YouTube

Here are the spellings for this week:

Mr Emmerson’s Spelling Group: stationary, stationery, steal, steel, wary, weary, whose, whose, existence, explanation, familiar, foreign, forty, frequently, identity, individual, interrupt, language, leisure, lightning
(There are a number of homophones in these spellings so please ensure that you use the correct definition for the correct spelling)

Mrs Oakley’s Spelling Group: government, development, different, moment, management, present, department, president, patient, movement, event, student, agreement, environment, treatment

Focus on the spellings from your group and complete the following activities:

Spelling Activity:

Look, Cover, Write, Check: test yourself following the look, cover, write, check order and see how well you are doing.

Apply your spellings into sentences. Try to consider a different sentence type every time to test how well you know them. Try to include a couple of different sentence openers to stretch yourself further.

All of these spellings are on Spelling Shed under either Spring Week 5 Mrs Oakley or Spring Week 5 Mr Emmerson


Reading session for this week only:

Meeting ID: 981 3793 6051
Passcode: xm41V2

Brian Discovers Rodeo

Chapter 1: The Decision (The immediate danger, a new opportunity) (continued)

Brian is a growing lad and he just loves his food. The amount of times he has eventually got to the front of the queue to find all the best choices gone, is too numerous to count. This is crippling for a bird with an appetite like young Brians. However, he has learnt to live with it and life moves on for that plucky little farm bird.

Difference Number 2: Brian’s biggest problem, however, was at the opposite end of the spectrum and it is what you may call a visual issue. You see, at an early age Brian had discovered mascara and this, as you will hear, created a number of issues for him.

Every morning, job 1: face wash, job 2: chuck on the mascara. As you may be aware, turkeys are not by and large handsome creatures. They are not even handsome birds. They are not even handsome ugly birds. But, you apply a touch of that magical make-up and a miraculous event occurs. A thing of beauty appears. My friend, you would have to see it to believe it.

The knock on effect was this, that due to the transformation, Brian became very popular with the ladies. (Not a stratospheric achievement to be fair as 99% of female turkeys are proper mingers but of course beggars can’t be choosers)

This ugly female turkey issue didn’t stop him though as he had spent many an evening, wings locked, with a turkey lady called Alan, and this was all down to the power of that marvellous mascara. It is truly astounding stuff. Plus female companionship was also very useful at any turkey buffet style event as you can well imagine. It goes like this: send female Alan up, tell her what you want with a list of suitable favourite choices, obviously alphabetically she is well placed, Brian doesn’t have to break a sweat. Perfect plan! So you see, this part of the mascara wearing was a success. However, sadly there were downsides.


  1. What has happened numerous times to Brian at turkey buffet style events?
  2. What is difference number two?
  3. Draw a before and after picture of Brian. (Before mascara is applied / After mascara is applied)
  4. Why is this second problem described as a visual issue?
  5. How are the results of applying mascara to a turkey described?
  6. What can you tell me about female turkeys? What can you tell me about male turkeys?
  7. You have just opened a mascara business and you feel that you could make some good money from having a high percentage of turkey clients on your books. How would you convince them that wearing mascara was the way forward for them?

Join Year 6 Maths Drop-in Zoom Meeting (11:30)


Meeting ID: 921 7829 6497
Passcode: u9PLRP

Video Input to the maths lesson:

Maths Meeting:

Maths: LC: Algebra: Forming Equations

Today we continue to look at Algebra. We are now looking at forming equations. PLEASE use the video as a revision form. The video will DEFINITELY help to guide you and explain further so please watch it carefully and return to it as many times as is needed.

You will be looking at matching equations to models, drawing bar models, forming equations, writing equations to form bar models and solving problems. Please ensure that you are comfortable with the focus today and ensure that if you need help not to struggle but instead pop into the Zoom session. It may be just a little thing needed to push you forward.

Challenge questions:


Join Year 6 Afternoon Drop-in Zoom Meeting (2:00)


Meeting ID: 970 1340 5587
Passcode: uq1h9q

Stick it to a stick!

Today, we want you to get adventurous. Wrap up warm, get them wellies on and get out for a lovely winter walk in your nearest woodland. See if you can find a large stick. You are going to keep this stick throughout lockdown and make it into a journey stick. Journey sticks are a tactile way of recording a journey and remembering it later on. You can personalise your stick with special decorations and add to it each time you go on a walk. On the other hand, you could have a new stick for each journey you go on. Once you have finished you can use your stick as a prop to help you tell stories about your journey and ask your family and friends to do the same. Make sure you send in pictures of your journey stick every time you add to it.

Story time

New Boots by Jacqueline Wilson

There’s a huge hole in my right boot and the sole flaps madly on my left. Our Lily used to pass down her boots to me, but now my feet have grown too big, even though she’s much older than me. She’s away in service, working as a lady’s maid.

I don’t want to be a lady’s maid. I want to be a lady. My teacher says I’ve got a chance of getting a scholarship to the Girl’s High School next year. I go past it when I go to Biggerton market on errands for Ma. I can’t see me fitting in with all those posh girls in their fancy uniform, to be honest. Mind you, I don’t really fit in at the village school either.

They call me Spud. It is not my real name, obviously. Ma gave us girl’s flowery names. I’m Rose, and my older sisters are Lily and Violet. I’m called Spud because of my brown frock. Ma made it out of cheap material and its so coarse it sets me itching something chronic. The children at school say it’s made out of old potato sacking. Hence, Spud.

If I ever get to be a lady, I shall wear silk frocks all the shades of the rainbow. Though a queen is the highest lady in the land and poor old Victoria wears nothing but black every day.

There’s a wonderful evening gown in the draper’s shop window in Biggerton. It’s a rich Prussian blue, with red satin trimmings and red cut-glass beads on the bodice. Someone has arranged a pair of scarlet kid boots beside the deep blue hem, the perfect touch.

I am here to buy flour and cheese and a dozen eggs because our old Henny Penny stopped laying, but now I have the groceries I must have one more look at the dazzling gown.

But when I glimpse at the draper’s window, the dress is missing! Has someone purchased my beautiful gown? I rush to see, and the sole on my left boot catches a pebble. I stagger and land on my knees, juggling flour and cheese and eggs.

The lady from the draper’s shop dashes out and picks me up.

I burst into tears and then duck my head ashamed.

“Don’t cry, child! You’ve saved every single egg! But, oh dear, look at the state of your boots!” she says.

The sole has torn right off and my bare foot is touching the ground now.

“Are these your only pair?” she asks gently, and I nod.

“We don’t really stock children’s boots. The only foot wear I have in are scarlet boots to go with an evening gown, but the lady who bought it didn’t care for the ensemble. They’re ridiculously fancy and probably far too big for you but you’re welcome to try them,” she says.

They are a perfect fit for my big feet! The kid feels soft as a glove , but the sole is stout.

“They’re the most beautiful boots in all the world – but I couldn’t possibly afford them,” I say, sniffing.

The lady looks at me. She looks at the boots.

“Take them dear,” she says. “When you start earning you can come and pay. How about that?”

Oh joy! When I am a lady, I shall buy all my gowns and boots from her! And though I’m still an ungainly girl in a brown dress, I feel like a queen. I dance all the way home in my new boots, my beautiful, red, kid boots!

Daily Work Feedback – Year 6

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