Hello Reception,
We are almost at the end of another week, I can not believe how quickly the weeks are passing. It has been another busy week for us all but you have all worked your socks off once again like the superstars you are! I hope you all have another busy day of learning today before a day of relaxing tomorrow.
This week is Mental Health week. Please check Marvellous me for today’s wellbeing activity. Here is the link for today’s quiz – https://kahoot.it/challenge/07246221?challenge-id=3fa38bcd-7216-4f9f-b166-48433063d8f3_1612342870954
Please remember I will do 2 drop-in zoom sessions a day, one at 10.30am and one at 2pm. You can ask any questions you wish to or show me some of your work. I will also read a story on an afternoon so feel free to drop in.
This mornings job is to watch the video and learn the letter name for ‘b’. Remember each letter has a name and a sound.
This morning our exercise is one of our favourite dances, I hope you like it.
Phonics Activity
This morning, we are going to recap all of the phonemes we have learnt so far. We are also going to practice reading some words and spelling some words. Watch the video and join in. After watching the video, I would like you to practice writing some more words. I am going to use the phonemes we have just learnt to write the word ‘quack’ and ‘chop’. For an extra challenge use one of those words to tell someone a sentence with your word in or practice writing the sentence.
Maths Activity
Find some different sized containers in your house. This could be cups, boxes, tubs, pans etc. Fill the containers, you could use liquid, pasta, cereal etc. See which container can hold the most and which container can hold the least. Talk to your family about why you think that might be? Remember to think about which container is the smallest, which container is the largest, is there a container which is a little bit smaller than another or is there some containers which are the same size?
Have lots of fun doing this. If you use liquid you could then try and pour the liquid from one container to another without spilling any.
Today, we are going to enjoy the last part of our new author story. Watch the video and see if you can join in with the questions.
Other activities:
- Read a phonics book on oxford owl or you can read your own phonics book if you have one. Remember to keep practicing so you become fluent with reading. Free eBook library | Oxford Owl from Oxford University Press.
- Complete the activity from Mental Health Week on Marvellous Me.
- Sing along to your favourite song.
- Watch Geraldine the Giraffe learning the ‘ch’ diagraph
Well done Reception, your work for today is complete. You are all superstars.