Good morning Year 5. Today is the last day of learning this week. Tomorrow is ‘Rainbow Day – no technology day’. If you are struggling for motivation today, listen to the song below. This song and video should inspire you to never give up. No matter how low it gets, always aim high and you will be rewarded. And for anyone who knows me, knows I just love this film.

‘A million dreams is all it’s gonna take’

Remember, if you need a new reading book or new writing and maths books, please contact me via email.

Please check Marvellous Me everyday to find out more information about the Mental Health task for each day. It is quiz day. You will see the link for the quiz on the home learning page below and on marvellous me.

Mr Farrier

SpellingEnglishEnglish Zoom Drop-inBreakMathsMaths Zoom Drop-inLunch
1:00pm1:30pm2:15pm – 3:00pm3:00pm
ReadingPE + PSHE – Mental health activity – Marvellous MeAfternoon Zoom Drop-in SessionStory Time

Zoom Drop-in Links

Mr Farrier’s English Zoom Meeting

Time: 10:00 – 10:30am

Meeting ID: 994 1240 0082

Passcode: year5

Mr Farrier’s Maths Zoom Meeting

Time: 11:30 – 12:00am

Meeting ID: 971 9522 2708

Passcode: year5

Mr Farrier’s Afternoon Zoom Meeting

Time: 2:15 – 3:00pm

Meeting ID: 978 6001 0732

Passcode: year5


Spelling Test –

Because it is the last day of learning today, instead of countdown you are going to be completing your spelling test. Try your hardest and send in your scores. If you got any wrong, write them out a couple of times to see where you went wrong. Here are your spellings.

disqualify, disqualification, identity, identification, justify, justification, purify, purification, solidify, solidification, disappeared, disbelieve, discourtesy, disorganise, disapprove, disapproval, discovering, disregarding, distributed, disallowed.

Mrs Robinson’s group –

mountainous, poisonous, thunderous, contagious, curious, dubious, glorious, gracious, hilarious, luxurious, mysterious, precious, religious, spacious, studious


SPAG (15 minutes): Punctuation Police

Look at the sentences below. I want you to spot the missing punctuation and then rewrite the sentence with the correct punctuation. Clue – inverted commas, apostrophes and commas.

Writing (45 minutes): To create a setting description

Today you will be continuing with your setting description. This is the last day of writing your setting description. You will describe what you can taste and feel. Use the same picture you have used for the remainder of the week. Again, I have created a video of what it should look like.


Maths Meeting: Recapping previous learning (15 minutes)

Maths: Decimals (45 minutes)

Today you are moving onto subtracting decimals with the same number of decimal places. I know we covered subtracting decimals earlier in the week. Again, I haven’t done an input video because I don’t feel like you need it. I want you to show me how amazing you are and if you can complete subtraction with exchanging independently. Remember to use the columns correctly and write them out if you need help. When you exchange, make sure you only exchange from the column needed. If you have any problems with today’s tasks, please see me on zoom.

Task –


I have been impressed with your reading tasks this week whilst we have focused on the 26-storey treehouse. The books are really good so if you are a lover of reader, I would recommend you read some of them. However, today we are going to do something a little different. We are going to be linking out reading task to our Children’s Mental Health week. I want you to listen to the story called ‘The Koala who could’. Year 4 looked at this earlier this week and completed some lovely tasks, I expect to see some wonderful work from you. Think about the story in deep thought and think about how he feels.

Look at the attachment below. I want you to select a few tasks from the sheet. Use your wonderful explanation skills to really go into detail. Make sure you are understanding the moral of the story and talk about how you are feeling. One task I would like to see you complete is, the draw around your hand and in each finger write something new you want to try this year. I want you to explain why you want to try these things. I have completed mine so you can see what I want to try this year.


You’ve been challenged to play a kahoot called “Year 5 Handale”!

Now, log onto Marvellous Me and look at the Children’s Mental Health week task I have set for today. It is a really nice one and I would love to see all of your wonderful pictures of you ‘expressing yourself’.

I am proud of your efforts.

Well done,

Mr Farrier.