

Your Zoom calls will continue at their usual time on the timetable. The links can be found on the Year 3 page.


Mrs Porter’s spelling group

Spelling rule: suffix ly

suddenly, sweetly, anxiously, conscientiously, definitely, entirely, immediately, patiently, separately, strangely, sufficiently, suspiciously

Mrs Robinson’s spelling group

Spelling rule: c sound made with ch

choir, Christmas, chemistry, chemical, chorus,  chrysalis, chronic, architect, orchestra, technology, chrome, orchid

  1. Write 3 sentences and include one of your spellings in each.
  2. Test a partner – can you test an adult or sibling and ask them to test you like we would in school. Remember, if you get one wrong, you need to write out a full line of the spelling.
  3. Put the 5 spellings you find the trickiest into a word search and I will see if I can find them.



Today, you will be focussing on punctuation. I would like you to use what you know about punctuation to answer the following questions.

Why have inverted commas been used in the sentence below?

“Stop!” shouted the guard.

Why has a question mark been used in the sentence below?

Would you like an apple or an orange?

Why have commas been used in the sentence below?

I need to buy eggs, milk and flour.

Why have two capital letters been used in the sentence below?

Can we take James to the seaside with us?


Today, you will be using similes to open sentences. Watch the video below and then complete the writing task below.

During the video, you should have generated similes for the following images. I would now like you to use these similes to start sentences about the pictures below just like I did in the video. Remember you can go back and watch the video if you are struggling and I will be on Zoom at 10:00.


Maths Meeting

Complete the sequences below:

2, 4, 6, __, ___, _____, __, __, __ ,__, __, __

20, 40, ___, __, ___,

5, 10, 15, __, ___, _____, __, __, __ ,__, __, __

50, 100, 150, __, ___, _____,

10, 20, 30, __, ___, _____, __, __, __ ,__,



Today is our reading comprehension session. Please read the text below and answer the questions.


Today we will be finding out about 2 different religions, Judaism and Sikhism and we will be beginning to compare them.

Task 1

I would like you to watch the short videos on the BBC Bitesize pages below to find out about Judaism and Sikhism.

What Is Judaism? – BBC Bitesize

What is Sikhism? – BBC Bitesize

Task 2

I would like you to write 6 facts about Judaism and 6 facts about Sikhism. You can use what you learned in the videos or I have included some sheets below which you can read.

Here is an example:

1. Jewish people go to a synagogue to worship.
1. The Khanda is the main symbol of Sikhism.

Task 3

I would like you write 2 similarities and 2 differences between Judaism and Sikhism.

Here is an example:

Both religions believe in one God.The Jewish holy book is called the Torah but the Sikh holy book is called the Guru Granth Sahib.


Task 1

Today’s warm up circuit comes from Theo. Thank you Theo. Just go careful with the kick boxing part, please make sure you have plenty of space or exchange the activity for one of your own.

  1. Star jumps.
  2. Push ups
  3. Kick boxing (legs moving up and down while stretching one arm out then the other.)
  4. Run on the spot.

Now create your own circuit.

Task 2

This week we will be making a sequence of shapes with our body. Firstly I would like you to make the following four shapes.

  1. A ball
  2. A long shape
  3. A wide shape
  4. An arched shape

Once you have practised making the shapes with your body, I would like you to perform these in a sequence. Think which shape you will begin with and how you will gracefully move into your next shape. Which shape will you end with?

Once you have practiced your sequence a few times try to do it at different speed levels. Can you do it really slowly or really quickly? Which is easier? Which do you think would look better to an audience?

Add two more shapes to the sequence and practice again.


Time for a story. Listen to the story below or enjoy a book from home.

Well done for completing today’s home learning. Remember to send your work to year3@handale.rac.sch.uk