Well done for continuing to work so hard at home and to those of you who have been sending in your work everyday. If you have work to show me, please ask an adult to send it to year3@handale.rac.sch.uk.
Here is today’s timetable:
9:00 | 9:30 | 10:00 | 10:30 | 11:00 | 11:30 | 12:00 | 1:00 | 1:30 | 2:15 | 2:15 | 3:00 | |
Spelling | English | Zoom | Break | Maths | Zoom | Lunch | Reading | PSHE | PE | ZOOM | Story |
There are 3 zoom calls scheduled throughout the day and these will happen at the same time every day. These Zoom calls are for when you need support with your work so you do not need to join the call if you are getting on ok. I have recorded some videos to help you with your work today so please use these when mentioned in this document.
10:00 Zoom meeting
Meeting ID: 956 8563 7997
Passcode: 4d4MKD
11:30 Zoom meeting
Meeting ID: 922 0282 7726
Passcode: 44ZKns
2:15 Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 929 8025 7859
Passcode: k5xjZc
I am glad to see lots of you have been practicing your spellings everyday. Today is the last day before your spelling test so make it count.
Mrs Porter’s group:
kindly, friendly, swiftly, properly, slowly, silently, quickly, quietly, wisely, blindly, bravely, correctly
scheme, chorus, chemist, echo, character, chord, chemistry, stomach, ache, anchor, mechanic, chaos
Today, you will be unscrambling your spellings.
Mrs Porter’s group:
wiftsly, owlsly, raveylb, dinllyb, poprelyr, endfrily
Mrs Robinson’s group:
chemes, oech, rodch, achos, tomsach, cruscho
Activity 2: Usually we would test a partner on a Thursday. Today, take it in turns with an adult or sibling to test each other on your spellings.
Remember if you get one wrong, you need to practice the spelling for a full line.
Who can get the most correct?
Activity 1: For each of the images below, write a sentence that includes an apostrophe for possession.
e.g. Sophia’s teddy bear is soft so she cuddles it all the time.
Activity 2:
Change the sentences so that they each contain a possessive apostrophe. The first sentence has been completed as an example.
The harp belonging to the giant sang beautifully.
The giant’s harp sang beautifully.
The cauldron belonging to the witch boiled and bubbled.
The dress belonging to Molly hung in the wardrobe.
The toys belonging to the babies were bright and colourful.
English |
Today in English, you will be improving a paragraph I have written using your learning from this week and half term.
Watch the video below. I have also included the paragraph that needs improving and my improved paragraph to help you.
When Livia and Tranio ran outside, they knew something was wrong. They could hear a noise and see a wave. People were running through the streets screaming.The terrified children ran towards a mountain. Luckily, they made it to the top. The wave crashed through Pompeii. The buildings were destroyed.
When Livia and Tranio dashed outside, they could tell that they were in grave danger. In the distance, the young children could hear an earsplitting rumbling noise and see a colossal, powerful and dangerous wave. Screaming, people were scrambling through the busy streets while the wave rolled nearer. Shaking with fear, the terrified children ran as fast as they could towards a gigantic mountain. Luckily, they climbed to the top before the mighty wave could catch them. Destroying everything, the wave crashed powerfully through Pompeii.
“Our beautiful town has been destroyed,” wailed Livia sadly.
Maths Meeting |
Today, you will be counting forwards in tens. Please watch the video and then complete the sequences below. |
12, 22, 32, __, __, __, __, __,
85, 95, ____, _____, _____, ____, ____,
332, 342, 352, ___, ___, ___, ____, ____
237, ____, 257, 267, ______, _____, 297, _____
Maths |
Today in maths, you will be continuing to mentally add. Today, you will be mentally adding 3 digit numbers to 2 digit numbers and crossing hundreds boundaries. Watch the video below to help you with your learning today. |
Today is our reading comprehension task. Please read the following text carefully and answer the questions. If you need some adult help with the reading, that is fine. Remember, once you have read a question you will probably need to read parts of the text again to help you to answer it.
I have also included extension questions.
This week our PHSE and PE are going to be linked together.
Last week in PHSE we began thinking about how it feels to be challenged. We will be continuing this week by thinking about our experiences during lockdown. Since coronavirus arrived in our country we have all faced different challenges and it is important that we talk about our feelings around this.
Task 1
Firstly I would like you to think about positive and negative experiences and feelings you have had during this unsettled time, and record them in a table. I have given an example below.
Positive | Negative |
I have had chance to spend more time with my family. | I felt scared because my Mum was going to work. |
I have enjoyed long walks with my family. | I missed seeing my friends. |
It is important to talk about any negative feelings that you have with an adult. You could also tell them positive feelings too, it may help them to see more positive things too.
Task 2
Last week we thought about how it feels to be challenged and ways that we have been challenged. Today I would like us to look ahead to when we return to school. Although I am sure you are all looking forward to being back together as a class, some people will also find some of their feelings towards returning to school quite challenging. I would like you to think about the challenges yourself or others might find at this time and ways that you could help. For example:
- Someone my feel nervous about returning because they haven’t seen their friends for long time. You could talk to them about what you have both been doing during lockdown. You could ask them to play.
- Someone is feeling worried about school work. You could reassure them that we will be working in the same way that we did before lockdown and that they can always ask the teacher for help if they are finding work difficult.
I would like you to create a poster or leaflet to show the challenges that people might face when returning to school and ways that someone may be able to help.
Task 3
Now for our PE task.
I would like you to try to get your family involved in your PE activities today.
Exercise is a great way to keep both your body and mind healthy.
Firstly, I would like you to warm up using Luke’s circuit from last week. Remember to do each exercise for 30 seconds and have a 30 second break between each exercise.
1. Mountain climbers.
2. Bottom kicks.
3. Star jumps.
4. Windmills
Now create a family circuit. You need four exercises that you can do on the spot. Email it to me and we might use your families next week.
For the main part of our lesson, I would like you to choose between the outdoor or indoor PE sessions below. If you can get outside, I would prefer you to choose this option as fresh air is also great for a healthy mind. However, I understand that this isn’t practical for everyone, so if not use the indoor PE session.
Outdoor | Indoor |
Go for a long walk together. Try to think about your senses while you walk. What can you see, hear and smell? | Can you show your family how you spelt your name with your body last week? Can they spell their own names using their body? Do a Joe Wicks workout together. |
Enjoy a story from home or use the following link to download a free eBook to enjoy.
Well done for completing today’s home learning. We are sure that you have all worked very hard. Please remember to ask an adult to send us pictures of your work so we can see how you have been getting on.
Mrs Porter and Mrs Brodie