Hello Reception,
Today is the 1st February which means we are in a new month! I have had a look at our monthly balloons and this month we have lots of exciting things happening. We have Valentines Day, Pancake Day (my favourite day) and Chinese New Year. We also have lots of birthdays to celebrate in Reception. How exciting that so many of you are nearly 5 years old.
This week is Mental Health week, we will be completing daily activities throughout the week and then on Friday we will be having a technology free day and celebrating rainbow day. Please check Marvellous Me to find out more information about this.
Please remember I will do 2 drop-in zoom sessions a day, one at 10.30am and one at 2pm. You can ask any questions you wish to or show me some of your work. I will also read a story on an afternoon so feel free to drop in.
This morning your job is to watch the video and learn the letter name and letter sound.
This morning our exercise is Andy’s Wild Workouts. Here is the link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p06tmrxy/andys-wild-workouts-series-1-7-up-in-the-air
Phonics Activity
On Friday, we learnt the ‘z’ phoneme. Today I would like you to watch the video and learn the ‘zz’ diagraph. Join in with the video and see if you can think of some words that have the ‘zz’ diagraph at the end. I thought of buzz and fizz. Can you tell someone a sentence with one of those words in?
Maths Activity
Today, we are going to look at the animals in the field and see if we can guess how many are hiding in the tent. Watch the video and then see if you can collect 5 objects from around your house, hide some in a bag and see if you can guess how many will be in the bag and how many on the floor.
I know lots of you love our author, Julia Donaldson. I have attached a video of ‘a squash and a squeeze’ been told by the author herself. I hope you enjoy this, you could sing along.
Other activities:
- Read a phonics book on oxford owl or you can read your own phonics book if you have one. Remember to keep practicing so you become fluent with reading. Free eBook library | Oxford Owl from Oxford University Press.
- Turn all the lights off in the room and use a torch (if you don’t have a torch at home you could use your phone torch) to make shadows. You could try and make some animal shapes in the shadows or tell a story using your hands to make the shadows.
- Go outdoors and see if you can find some different parts of nature. Can you find different coloured leaves? Can you find any bugs? Any worms in the soil? Have fun!
Well done Reception, your work for today is complete. Please try and upload your child’s work by completing the submission below. Please note, your child’s work will not be published on the website, it will be sent privately to me. Alternatively, if you have trouble uploading it below, please email the work over to me.