Together we Inspire, Encourage and Succeed
Handale Primary School is an amazing school with a community feel. The children are at the centre of everything here, they are precious and valued. At Handale, we have three golden rules which are known and followed in all aspects of school life…
Work Hard, Aim High
Show Respect
Be Kind
Our school aims to develop children in to be ‘good citizens’, who will go on to achieve ‘amazing things.’ Developing children’s aspirations through positive attitudes, resilience, kindness and care are central to the daily life at Handale Primary School.
Our vision encompasses all of school life, but particularly the approach and policies of the school in relation to:
- Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic (PSHCE – Including Relationship and Sex Education)
- Fundamental British Values
- Behaviour
- Spiritual, Moral, Social and Moral (SMSC) aspects of school life.
In order to realise this vision, in every day practice and interaction, at Handale Primary School, we live by a set of five virtues – which are resilience, fairness, teamwork, bravery and ambition.
Half Termly Virtue Focus
Each half term, there will be a half termly virtue of focus. This does not mean that others are ignored, but for that half term there will be:
- A virtue launch assembly – focusing on the focus virtue and looking at the virtue in action, in stories
and fables, - Parent activity afternoons will aim to promote and develop the virtue,
- Class ambassadors will all focus upon the current virtue – and award the class award for that
week in the award assembly, - The aim of the half termly focus is to ensure that as a school community, we have a deep understanding of each virtue and it is actively promoted. The virtue for the half term is chosen in relation to staff views regarding which virtue focus would be a strong contributor to addressing any emerging issues within the school.
Specific Virtue Approaches
All virtues are promoted, interwoven and recognised and rewarded at all times, but for some virtues, there are specific approaches taken in their active promotion. These are detailed below.
This is closely linked to the Fundamental British Value of Individual Liberty – being brave, positive and having self-belief.
- From the very first day of school, children at Handale Primary School are encouraged to persevere with academic, personal or social challenges.
- Resilience is rewarded in class. We aim to foster an attitude where children enjoy the challenge of work and feel a real sense of pride when they persevere with something and achieve.
- Teachers set work in class that encourages resilience. They will always encourage children to try first before offering further support, promoting a ‘can-do’ attitude in our learners.
- When children ‘sign up’ to a role, club or experience, we encourage them to never give up, promoting endurance and determination.
- We ensure that our school is a safe space for children to share, open up and articulate feelings and beliefs by interweaving opportunities for children to discuss and debate regularly across the curriculum.
- We teach children how to interact in complete sentences so that they can confidently communicate their ideas, thoughts and emotions.
- The children are given lots of opportunities to show courage through speaking in front of others in pairs, groups, classes and through performances and presentations.
- We encourage children to try a wide variety of foods through our termly menus to teach them the value of aiming for a varied diet.
- The ‘mental wellbeing’ and ‘feelings and attitudes’ aspects of the PSCHE curriculum
- Buddies and Play Leaders in the Playground and dining Hall – these are the school’s ‘Official Helpers’, formally applying, going through interviews and training, must stick at it –with the privilege comes responsibility!
This is closely linked to the Fundamental British Value of Democracy.
- This is taught through the ‘Relationships’ and our PSHE curriculum, teaching the children how to be honest and good citizens, making sure that if they see injustice they feel morally obliged to do something.
- Through excellent relationships with the children, we foster a sense of honesty, where children are not afraid to tell the truth if they have made a wrong decision. Our consistent, restorative approach to behaviour issues means that children understand that they are being treated with fairness and in turn demonstrate honesty.
- We develop a culture of voting through the election of head pupils, school council representatives, voting for books to read at the end of the day in Reception and Key Stage 1 and through assemblies.
- School councillors for each class work to improve the school. These are voted for by the children in their class.
- Every child will represent the school at sporting events as an equitable offer – this is explained and valued.
Team Work
This is closely linked to the Fundamental British Values of Mutual Respect and Tolerance.
- This is taught through the ‘Relationships’ and ‘Health and Wellbeing’ within our PSHE curriculum.
- Every child will have the opportunity to be part of a team within the classroom, across the school and through wider opportunities in our community.
- We ensure that children have regular opportunities to work in a team in all subjects across the curriculum.
- Every child has a voice that is listened too,
- Our oracy curriculum ensures that activities are carefully planned for children to listen and work together effectively.
- Children understand that when working effectively as a team, it will lead to success.
This is closely linked the Fundamental British Value of Individual Liberty – making our own choices and reaching for the stars.
- We ensure that our school is a safe space for children to share, open up and articulate feelings and beliefs by interweaving opportunities for children to discuss and debate regularly across the curriculum.
- As children progress through school, we aim to develop leadership opportunities for them:
- Year 6 job roles and responsibilities
- Year 6 Head Boy, Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl
- School Councillors
- Reading Ambassadors
- Sports Leaders
- Playground Leaders
- House Captains
- Subject Ambassadors
- In order to be ambitious, our mission is to empower our children to be independent.
We encourage our children to be independent and brave outside of school through events such as…
Reception | Year 1/2 | Year 3/4 | Year 5/6 |
After School | After school Clubs | Outward Bound Residential | City Residential |
This virtue links closely to Individual Liberty – being brave, to be oneself
- Standing up for oneself and others – linked to our PSCHE curriculum themes of ‘relationships’,
‘feelings and attitudes’ and ‘people who help me’ - Knowing how to recognise bullying – and the importance of bystanders
- The creation of safe spaces for children to share, open up and articulate feelings and beliefs – by
interweaving opportunities for children to discuss and debate regularly across the curriculum - Outdoor Education Programme – allowing children to challenge and push their own boundaries
- As children progress through school, we aim to develop leadership opportunities for them:
o School Councillors
o Librarians
o Sports Leaders
o Specific Ambassador Groups - We see the ability to confidently speak as a prerequisite for bravery – if children can say it
confidently, they will say it. As such, we expect children to speak in sentences and staff both model
and expect this during interactions with children - Children are taught that being brave does not mean hiding your emotions – we have arrange of
books and support children in dealing with their emotions.
All of these skills and qualities will put the children of Handale Primary School at the forefront of learning, along with the career pathway curriculum on offer, the children can become anything they aspire to be with the drive to follow their ambitions and dreams.
Handale Primary School works closely with HeadStart to promote children and young people’s emotional wellbeing in schools, in the community, and online. They work with school, to support our young children in improving resilience and provide support at an early stage to enable children and young people to better cope in difficult circumstances.