Year 3 Home Learning

Good morning, Year 3. You have impressed us with your hard work this week. If you haven’t sent your work in yet, please make sure you do today.

Remember to email your work

There are 3 zoom calls scheduled throughout the day. These Zoom calls are for if you need support with your work so you do not need to join the call if you are getting on ok. I have recorded some videos to help you with your work today so please use these when mentioned in this document.

Here is today’s timetable.

SpellingEnglishZoom drop-inBreakMathsZoom drop-inDinnerReadingMFLChild Directed timeZoom drop inStory time

Zoom Meetings

10:00 Zoom meeting

Meeting ID: 956 8563 7997

Passcode: 4d4MKD

11:30 Zoom meeting

Meeting ID: 922 0282 7726

Passcode: 44ZKns

2:15 Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 929 8025 7859

Passcode:   k5xjZc


Mrs Porter’s group:
kindly, friendly, swiftly, properly, slowly, silently, quickly, quietly, wisely,
blindly, bravely, correctly

Mrs Robinson’s group:
Spelling rule: c sound spelt ch
scheme, chorus, chemist, echo, character, chord, chemistry, stomach, ache,
anchor, mechanic, chaos

Today it is time for your spelling test.

If you would like to have 10 minutes practice before you get started that is fine. Just remember no peeking while you are being tested.

Once you are ready to be tested ask someone in your house to read each word to you while you write them down. Just like we do in class. Once you email them to me, I will mark them and tell you your score.



I would like you to practice the joins below.

Can you write each word with the missing join added?


Please watch the video below explaining contractions. Once you have watched the video, complete the contractions below.


If you haven’t already watched the SPAG video, please watch it before you begin as you will need to know about contractions before you begin your work.

For English today we will be using both contractions and speech.

Task 1

Copy the sentences below, contracting and words which can be contracted.

  1. “We are going to the park today!” shouted Sam excitedly.
  2. “What is for lunch?” asked Sally.
  3. “We will have to be home at 7o’clock and we will not be late,” Mum told the children.
  4. “I could not be happier!” exclaimed Joe.

Task 2

Copy the sentences below, contract words when needed and use the correct punctuation.

  1. I am going to be late said Mum hurrying to the door.
  2. My Gran can not collect us tonight so we will need to get the bus home said Harry to his friend Thomas.

Task 3

Write two sentences of your own. They must be speech sentences and must include a contraction.


Maths Meeting

How fast can you add?

Complete the calculations in the fastest time you can. You could ask someone to time you or you could compete against someone in you house to see who can complete them in the quickest time.

  1. 8+4=
  2. 5+11=
  3. 18+6=
  4. 37+5=
  5. 22+8=
  6. 124+3=
  7. 276+6=
  8. 421+8=
  9. 30+20=
  10. 70+30=
  11. 40+50=
  12. 130+30=
  13. 240+20=
  14. 47+20=
  15. 87+40=

Now write 15 calculations for someone else to answer. Make sure to mark their work.


Please watch the video below.

Task 1

c. 428+300

d. 276+700

e. 452+500

f. 876+100

g. 587+300

h. 184+700

i. 362+500

j. 123+200

Task 2

  1. Sam says that 376+200=576. Joe says that 376+200=396. Explain who is correct and where any mistakes have been made.
  2. Oliver says that 227+400=627, Kate says that Oliver has helped her to answer 427+200. Explain why Oliver’s answer has helped Kate.


Write a problem of your own and I will try to answer it.


Today is our reading for pleasure session. I would like you to choose a story from home or use the following link to download a free eBook to enjoy.

Before you open the book, I would like you to look at the front cover and answer these questions.

  1. Who or what is on the front cover?
  2. What is in the background?
  3. How might the front cover of a book give us clues about what the book will be about?
  4. From the front cover, what do you predict might happen in the book?

Read the first 5/6 pages. Then answer these questions.

  • Is the story so far, what you thought it would be from the front cover?
  • Which parts of the front cover have been in the story so far?

Now enjoy reading the rest of the book.

MFL (French)

Can you remember the numbers 1-20 in French from last week?

Task 1

Task 2

I would like you to listen to a French alphabet song. There is a link below or there are lots of others on youtube. I have included the sounds of the French alphabet below so you can follow along.

♫ French Alphabet Song ♫ La Chanson de l’Alphabet ♫ ABC in French ♫ ABC Lied auf Französisch ♫ – YouTube

Now I would like you to practise spelling your name in French.

Child Directed Time

For child directed time this week, I would like you to choose an activity that helps you to relax. I have included some colouring pages if you are able to print them off.

You could draw a page of circles and see how many ways you can turn a circle into a picture. For example one could be an apple or a ball or a smiley face.

Make sure to enjoy yourself and relax!


Relax and enjoy a story from home or use the following link to download a free eBook to enjoy.

Well done for completing today’s home learning. We are sure that you have all worked very hard. Please remember to ask an adult to send us pictures of your work so we can see how you have been getting on.

Mrs Porter and Mrs Brodie

Enjoy the weekend!