Story Time
Please try to follow the timetable as closely as you possibly can.


Invite to Join Year 6 English Drop-in Zoom Meeting (09:30)


Meeting ID: 947 3479 2979

Passcode: 0Qg37p

Video input to English lesson:

SPaG: A successful writer will know when to move to a new paragraph. In fiction, the rules are that you should start a new paragraph when PERSON, PLACE, TIME or TOPIC has changed.

  • When you change the setting (PLACE) you begin a new paragraph.
  • When a new character (PERSON) is introduced.
  • When there is a change of speaker (PERSON).
  • When TIME moves backwards or forwards, you begin a new paragraph.
  • When a new event (TOPIC) happens, you begin a new paragraph.

Please look at the paragraph below and rewrite using the correct paragraphing:

Gem had never felt so ashamed in her life. It was one thing to go out and kill a dragon, the fearsome beast of legend with a reputation for destroying farmland; devouring livestock; and snacking on maidens between times. It was quite another to think about killing the invisible owner of this small and gentle voice.  A voice which was challenging her to think about what she had always taken for granted. Suddenly she didn’t feel so confident about the rights and wrongs of killing dragons any more. ‘Feeling confused?’ asked the dragon, ‘I do hope so. I mean, we’re a dying breed as it is, what with this constant predation by knights, and we really do need you to think about what you are doing here, Gem.’ Gem’s head snapped up, sharply. ‘How do you know my name?’ she gasped, feeling a surge of panic. ‘Are you – can you – do you have the power to read my mind?’ ‘Your mind, yes, Gem’ agreed the dragon sweetly. ‘Not everyone’s mind. It’s just your mind.’

LC: To assess my SPaG knowledge within my writing: All innovated texts should now be finished and polished. If you have not as yet polished your writing please make this your first job.

Please watch the video for further guidance for below.

Today you are going to assess your piece of writing and consider what you have used to make it what it is. You will create a key underneath with these headings:

  1. Sentence openers
  2. Sentence types
  3. Noun phrases
  4. Similes and Metaphors
  5. Cohesive devices (What you have used to move to a new paragraph for example)
  6. Subordinating Conjunctions
  7. Coordinating conjunctions

Please use a different colour to represent each one and underline examples of that within your text. We have done this before. You all know how to do it and how to do it well. So please show off and show me what you have used.


Here are the spellings for this week:

Mr Emmerson’s Spelling Group: draft, draught, father, farther, guessed, guest, heard, herd, led, lead, conscious, controversy, convenience, correspond, criticise, curiosity, definite, desert, desperate, determined.
(There are a number of homophones in these spellings so please ensure that you use the correct definition for the correct spelling)

Mrs Oakley’s Spelling Group: co-ordinate, re-enter, co-operate, co-own, semi-skimmed, mother-in-law, cul-de-sac, free-for-all, left-handed, right-handed, eighteen-year-old

Focus on the spellings from your group and complete the following activities:

Spelling Activity:

Today is your spelling test. So be honest, cover your spellings, ask a family member to read them out to you and test your knowledge. Please send me your results. Good luck!

All of these spellings are on Spelling Shed under either Spring Week 3 Mrs Oakley or Spring Week 3 Mr Emmerson


Cider with Rosie

Cider with Rosie by Laurie Lee is an autobiographical novel, based on the author’s own childhood. It is set in the rural village of Slad in Gloucestershire. This extract is set just before the end of World War One and describes the day Lee’s family moved to Slad from the nearby town of Stroud.

I was set down from the carriers’s cart at the age of three; and there with a sense of bewilderment and terror my life in the village began.

The June grass, amongst which I stood, was taller than I was, and I wept. I had never been so close to grass before. It towered above me and all around me, each blade tattooed with tiger-skins of sunlight. It was knife-edged, dark and a wicked green, thick as a forest and alive with grasshoppers that chirped and chattered and leapt through the air like monkeys.

I was lost and didn’t know where to move. A tropic heat oozed from the ground, rank with sharp odours of roots and nettles. Snow-clouds of elder-blossom banked in the sky showering upon me the fumes and flakes of their sweet and giddy suffocation. High overhead ran frenzied larks, screaming, as though the sky were tearing apart.

For the first time in my life I was out of the sight of humans. For the first time in my life I was alone in a world whose behaviour I could neither predict nor fathom: a world of birds that squealed, of plants that stank, of insects that sprang about without warning. I was lost and I did not expect to be found again. I put back my head and howled, and the sun hit me smartly on the face, like a bully.

From this daylight nightmare I was awakened, as from many another, by the appearance of my sisters. They came scrambling and calling up the steep rough bank, and parting the long grass found me. Faces of rose, familiar, living; huge shining faces hung like shields between me and the sky; faces with grins and white teeth (some broken) to be conjured up like genii with a howl, brushing off terror with their broad scoldings and affection. They leaned over me – one, two, three – their mouths smeared with red currants and their hands dripping with juice.

“There, there, it’s all right, don’t you wail anymore. Come down ‘ome and we’ll stuff you with currants.”

And Marjorie, the eldest, lifted me into her long brown hair, and ran me jogging down the path and through the steep rose-filled garden, and set me down on the cottage doorstep, which was our home, though I couldn’t believe it.


  1. Give two reasons why the narrator is afraid when he is standing in the grass. (2 marks)
  2. Write down one metaphor from lines 11-15 and explain its effect. (2 marks)
  3. Which of the following techniques does the narrator use to describe the sun in line 20? Circle one: a) alliteration b) onomatopoeia c) simile d) repetition (1 mark)
  4. What effect does this description of the sun have on the reader? (2 marks)
  5. Why do you think the narrator compares his sisters’ faces to ‘shields’ (line 24)? (1 mark)
  6. Do you find the narrators’ description of the natural world in lines 4-20 surprising? Explain your answer.

Join Year 6 Maths Drop-in Zoom Meeting (11:30)


Meeting ID: 991 3730 3016

Passcode: i4hgzJ

Video Input to the maths lesson:

Maths Meeting:

23 – 5.03 =

5/9 + 6/9 =

432 462 – 29 574 =

542 x 23 =

30% of 220 =

Maths: LC: To find equivalent percentages / fractions / decimals.

I am going to ask us to take a step back for a couple of days and re-look at a couple of areas, involving percentages, which I feel are important and that your confidence with the strategies used is further embedded. We are looking at equivalent percentages, fractions and decimals which we have done previously but with which I would like to try a new approach. Please watch the video above which explains and leads into the questions below.

Challenge questions:

No challenge questions. A challenge is not what I am looking at today. What I would like is your confidence with the above and that is why I have taken a step back and recovered a bit of ground. If you feel satisfied with your understanding of today’s learning on equivalent percentages/fractions and decimals, then your challenge is met.


Join Year 6 Afternoon Drop-in Zoom Meeting (2:00)


Meeting ID: 998 6146 9500

Passcode: y2GkUs

Please follow my instructions here and not those stated above. The above is taken from our interactive French resource with sounds etc which you cant use. (The numbers below refer to the numbers above)

  1. Please look at and try to pronounce the names of the sports. (You can use Google to help hear these words being pronounced)
  2. Can you work out which of the French terms mean: love/adore/dislike/hate.
  3. Tu aimes le judo? (You like judo?) Oui, j’adore le judo. (Yes, I love judo.) Tu aimes le skate? (You like to skateboarding?) Non, je deteste le skate . (No I hate skateboarding) Can you practise saying these terms and maybe asking members of your family questions about the sports that they enjoy? Use Google translate to help you with pronunciation.
  4. Let’s see if you can write these sentences. There are further terms here to help improve your sentences. Challenge yourself, can you use them?
Story time

Murkaster by Frank Cottrell-Boyce

You won’t find Murkaster on the map. Maps show rivers, mountains and cities. They don’t bother with clouds because clouds come and go.

Except in Murkaster.

The clouds came to Murkaster.

But they did not go away again.

They sat there on the roofs and in the squares and streets and gardens, until it was wiped off the map.

The world forgot Murkaster and Murkaster forgot the world.

If you were a Murkaster girl, like Sunny Hotspur for instance, you’d wear your hair in the Murkaster fashion – high and curly, like your own personal cloud. You’d stop or chat using Murkaster’s special app, which was called Gloom. You would not go out, not without a mask or a snorkel, because inside a cloud is wet, dull and endless. Once, Sunny asked her mum, “My name – Sunny – what does it even mean?”

“It’s just one of those words that make you feel nice but don’t actually mean anything” There were a lot of words like that in the Murkaster dialect. For instance, ‘view’.

There was a painting on the dining-room wall in the Hotspur house called Foggy Day. It showed a foggy day. There was another called Cumulostratus – which showed thick, grey clouds with streaks of golden yellow shining through the gaps. What were the streaks of yellow?

“It’s because the painter ran out of grey and had to use that different colour,” said Mum.

Unconvinced, Sunny sat at her window scanning the passing murk for a glimpse of yellow.

She never saw the streak of yellow.

But she did she an eye – a deep, dark eye, set in a wrinkle of murk, staring at her. “The murk,” reasoned Sunny, “has an eye. So it must have a head. If it has a head, it must have a bottom. Which means the murk must have an end!”

Grabbing her mask and snorkel, she dashed outside. The moment she opened the door, she could hear something breathing. “The murk had a voice, ” she said to herself and wondered if she could talk to it. That moment, something sniffed at her. Then, as if she were a flower, picked her up and hoisted her into the air.

You would have known right away that this was an elephant and that it was lifting her with its trunk. High into the damp air she rose until she was, yes, above the murk. The sky was blue. The distance was green. And sometimes blossom white. Above her head, streaks of yellow!

The elephant waved her around in the air. What was it doing? What did it want?

“You’re lost!” yelled Sunny. “You’re lost in the murk, like us. You want me to find a way out? ” She could guide the elephant out of here and leave the murk forever. But what about everyone else? Could she leave them all behind?

While she thought, the elephant blew impatiently and, where it breathed, the murk grew thinner and light showed through. And when it breathed, it sounded like a trumpet. And another trumpet answered and another and another. There must be a dozen elephants lost in the murk.

Sunny swung the trunk this way and that, steering her elephant towards the nearest elephant, then leading the two to the next elephant and the next until she brought a dozen elephants together in the centre of the murk. “Now sing”! she cried. “Sing me a city.”

And a dozen elephants trumpeted their happiness at finding each other and their trumpeting tore the murk apart like tissue paper and unwrapped a city – with domes and towers and bridges and minarets and waterways – the city Sunny had lived in but never till that moment seen.

Daily Work Feedback – Year 6

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