Nursery Lunch
Afternoon nursery children who transition to Reception in September will be invited to stay for lunch - more information will be sent out via letter.
Afternoon nursery children who transition to Reception in September will be invited to stay for lunch - more information will be sent out via letter.
Leaving nursery celebration event, parent will be invited. 10.30-11.30am for morning nursery children 2-3pm for afternoon nursery children
Year 6 children can come into school between 3pm-4pm to collect SATS results.
Parents are invited @2pm
Reception to Year 5 reports will be sent home.
Year 6 pupils will need their swimming kits each day through the week as they will having lesson each day.
Whole School to go to the beach for the day and engage in range of fun activities.
Parents are invited to the Year 6 leavers assembly.