Hello Reception,
We are half way through our last week of online learning. This time next week we will be in school having lots of fun and learning new things together. Today it is Wednesday and we are going to think about our wellbeing. Take some time today to go on a walk and enjoy some fresh air.
Please remember I will do 2 drop-in zoom sessions a day, one at 10.30am and one at 2pm. You can ask any questions you wish to or show me some of your work. I will also read a story on an afternoon so feel free to drop in.
This morning’s job is to practice our letter names and letter sounds. Can you remember the name and sound for each letter? Watch the video and join in,
This morning we are going to do some yoga. I hope you enjoy it.
Phonics Activity
Today we are going to look at words that end in the ‘s’ sound again. See if you can remember yesterdays phonics to help you read the words. Let me know how you get on or what you are finding tricky.
Maths Activity
Today we are going to order our numbers from 1-10. I hope that you can join in and then try to do this at home yourself.
Yesterday, we looked at the beginning, the middle and the end of ‘The Gingerbread Man’ story. You then drew some pictures and retold the story to someone in your family. Today, I would like you to think about The Gingerbread Man story and see if you can think of a different character for the story. I am going to change my character to The Cupcake Man. Can you draw a picture of your character and maybe write some words to describe them. What colour hair do they have? Are they tall or short? Are they nice or mean?

Other activities:
- Read a phonics book on oxford owl or you can read your own phonics book if you have one. Remember to keep practicing so you become fluent with reading. Free eBook library | Oxford Owl from Oxford University Press
- Fine Motor – collect some small objects such as beads, buttons, small pieces of pasta. Can you sort them into different cups? You could sort them based on colour or size.
- Go on a letter hunt. Try and find 6 different letters around your house. Can you think of a word beginning with each letter?
- Think about some real life superhero jobs. Discuss with your family what a doctor does, what a firefighter does, what the police do. Talk about the job you would like to do when you are older?
Well done Reception, your work for today is complete. I hope you have had a lovely day. Take lots of care, Miss Stone x