Today is …

A Technology Free Day

Today, we thought it would be nice to have another technology free day as it was so successful last week. We want today to be a fun learning day at home.

Today we want you to be able to choose the activities you would rather do. Please choose 1 activity from each box to complete throughout the day. If you want to complete both activities that is entirely up to you.


  • Make a Valentine’s Day card for someone you love.
  • Make a sock puppet – use your sock puppet to have your own puppet show.


  • Go on a shape walk either around the house or outdoors. See what shapes you can find.
  • Make a model with junk. This can be glued together if you want to. However, if you do not glue it, you could always change it for another model later.

Extra Activities:

  • Boil spaghetti or pasta shapes and allow your child to play with the cooked pasta.
  • Play some music and allow your child to dance and move to the music.

For one day, do not worry about your daily learning page or the morning zoom session, have fun and spend some quality time with your loved ones.

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I hope you all have the best day. Have lots of fun and make sure you laugh a lot. Have a wonderful half term, you all deserve it! I miss you all very much and can not wait to see you all.

Mrs Lister