Good morning everyone. It has been so lovely to hear from so many children about what they have been up to and I have really enjoyed receiving your photos. Please keep those emails coming.
This week is Mental Health week. Please check Marvellous Me for today’s wellbeing activity.
We have two zoom sessions a day for children who want to attend. The sessions are at 11am and 1.30pm and I will read a story during each session.
- Share stories with your children daily, they are hugely important in their learning.
- Please sing or say rhymes with your child. If you do not know the tune, don’t worry. Your child might know it, or you can make up a tune or you could always say it rather than sing it. See Day 1 for the words to some of our popular rhymes.
- Please find opportunities for counting daily. This might be when playing with toys, having tea, or walking up the stairs.
Collections – find collections of things for your child to explore. This could include uncooked pasta, bottle tops, stones, buttons, pieces of wool/string, ribbons, beads etc. Allow your child time to explore these objects. Discuss the objects with your child. Encourage your child to sort the objects into groups of things that are the same e.g. all the stones together.
Brown Bear – watch the story below. Discuss the different animals in the story. Discuss the colours in the story, talk with your child about their favourite colour and see what colours they can spot around the house or on a walk.
Phonics – Instrumental Sounds – Use an instrument or something that makes a sound e.g. rice in a bottle, a wooden spoon on a pan etc. Read or tell a story to your child and encourage your child to play the ‘instrument’ when a certain part is mentioned. For example if you use the story below your child could play their ‘instrument’ as the goats cross the bridge or when the troll appears.
Collections – find collections of things for your child to explore. This could include uncooked pasta, bottle tops, stones, buttons, pieces of wool/string, ribbons, beads etc. Allow your child time to explore these objects. Discuss the objects with your child. Encourage your child to sort the objects into groups of things that are the same e.g. all the stones together. You could make this harder by sorting into further groups i.e. not just groups of pieces of wool together but further sorting the wool into different colours. You could also count the amount of objects in each group.
The 3 Billy Goats Gruff – watch the story below. Discuss the story and get your child to retell the story or even act out the story. Children often like to ‘trip, trap, trip, trap over the rickety bridge’. Use the story as an opportunity to compare size and to count.
Please can you keep in touch with me via email to let me know how your child is getting on. Alternatively you could send me a message below. It would be lovely if you could send a photo or two of your children in their play. My email address is:
Take care,
Mrs Lister