9:00 | 9:30 | 10:00 | 10:30 | 11:00 | 11:30 | 12:00 | 1:00 | 1:30 | 2:15 | 3:00 |
Spelling | English | Zoom | Break | Maths | Zoom | Lunch | Reading | Geography | Zoom | Story |
Good morning, Year 3. I hope you have all had an enjoyable weekend. Well done to those children who sent in their work everyday last week.
This week is Mental Health week, we will be completing daily activities throughout the week and then on Friday we will be having a technology free day and celebrating rainbow day. Please check Marvellous Me to find out more information about this.
Our top spellers for last week were:
- Elyssa
2. Jane
3. Logan
Well done to you all.
Zoom calls will continue at the usual times and the links can be found on the year 3 home learning page.
Mrs Porter’s group |
The suffix -sion
collision, confusion, conclusion, corrosion, division, erosion, exclusion, explosion, extension, inclusion, intrusion, invasion
Mrs Robinson’s group |
sh sound made with ch
chef, chalet, machine, brochure, parachute, moustache
Prefix – super
supervision, supersonic, superman, supermarket, superstar, superglue
- Read and clarify the meaning of each word
- Write each word out and count how many syllables
- Pick 5 spellings to put into sentences.
Today we will be revisiting the articles a or an. I have included a resource to remind you of the rules below.

English |
Today you will be creating your own setting and generating ideas for a setting description. Watch the video, which will explain the tasks for today.

- Imagine that you have just stepped through the door like in the image above. Where do you end up? Draw your setting and make sure it is detailed.
- Annotate your setting with ideas just like I did in the video:
- I am looking for:
- Amazing adjectives
- Similes
- Alliteration
- Powerful verbs and adverbs
Maths Meeting |
For your maths meeting, we will be revisiting months of the year.
If you need to remind yourself of the months of the year, you can watch the video below.
- Name the third month of the year.
- Name the 7th month of the year.
- Which month comes 2 months after September?
- Which month is 3 months before April?
- Which month is your birthday month?
- Which month comes 3 months after your birthday month?
Maths |

If you feel confident with today’s work, please try the challenge below.

This week is National Storytelling Week and today for your reading session, I would like you to listen to some story telling and think about the questions I have asked.

Watch the video of Michael Rosen storytelling below. While you are watching it, think about these questions and answer them once you have finished watching.
- How is it similar or different to someone reading a story?
2. How does he make the story interesting and exciting?
3. What did you like about the story?
4. Can you summarise the story in your own words?
5. What makes a good story teller?
In this week’s lesson, you will be learning about tsunamis.
Tsunamis are giant waves that cause destruction. They are most likely to occur around the Pacific Ocean as they are linked to earthquakes.
Watch the video by visiting the link below to find out more
Answer the questions below in your own words.
- What is a tsunami?
- What causes a tsunami?
- Look at the images below. What damage does a tsunami cause?

Optional activity:

Well done, Year 3. You have completed Monday’s home learning. Now it is time to relax with a story. I hope that you enjoy the rest of your day.