Hello Year 2, your final day of home learning for the week. You have had another very busy week. Make sure you check Marvellous Me at the end of the day as I will be awarding children with more badges to celebrate another successful week of learning.
Here is your timetable for today…
9am | 9:30am | 10:30am | 11am | 12pm | 1pm | 3pm |
Spelling | English | break | Maths | dinner | Golden Time | Story |
Please complete your spelling test and remember to send me your scores so I can add them to my red clipboard and award you all your first spelling badge. I will be looking on spelling shed at the end of the day to see who has finished in the top 3. Will we have a different group of children this week? I can’t wait to see.
mopped begged stepped jetted slipped patted slapped grabbed tapped plotted | everyone everybody everything anyone anybody anything |
Please watch the video below and finish your week with another handwriting session. Your handwriting has been brilliant this week and it is lovely to see you working really hard on improving. I would like to see even more of you starting to join some of your writing up, give it your best go!
You have all worked incredibly hard this week and I am really impressed with the work you have produced. I thought it would be a nice idea to finish the week by completing an Art/English activity. You are going to be creating a setting, be as creative as you want. Make sure your work is your BEST work and really show off what you can do. Watch the video clip below and I will explain more about what I want you to do.
Maths Meeting
____ + ____ + ____ + ____ = 10
____ + ____ + ____ + ____ = 25
____ + ____ + ____ + ____ = 50
____ + ____ + ____ + ____ = 100
Today we are going to be looking at selecting money. Watch the video below before you complete the activities.
Now complete the activities below. Where it says circle on the sheet, please just write down the coins that make the amount, don’t draw each coin out and then circle.

Challenge – see if you can complete the activities below.
I have three coins in my hand, the coins total 56p. What three coins are they? I have five coins in my hand, the coins total 41p. What five coins are they? I have 2 coins in my hand, the coins total 11p. What two coins are they? I have 8 coins in my hand, the coins total 67p. What eight coins could they be? |
Golden Time
Because you have worked so hard this week, I am awarding you with a full afternoon of Golden Time. Spend some time with your family and don’t think about school work. You could play a game, go for a walk in the woods, watch a movie or build something with lego. Have a look at the picture below. One of our Year 2 pupils managed to make an xbox out of lego. What could you create?

Well done Year 2, you continue to make me proud!
Have a lovely weekend, make sure you email me the work you have completed.
Mrs Farrier