Good morning Year 2. I hope you are ready for another day of hard work today.
I want you to start your day by singing along to the 3 times table song. Enjoy!
Your timetable for today…
9am | 9:30am | 10:30am | 11am | 12pm | 1pm | 1:30pm | 3pm |
Spelling | English | break | Maths | dinner | Reading | Art | Story |

Begin your spelling session by looking at the jumbled spellings below. Do you know what they are? See if you can work them all out in less than 5 minutes.
caubsee teraf whta nehw verye owh regen yna rnu ftas hibend tsea blla meni hiwel ewlf |
After you have done that, look at your spellings for this week and complete silly sentences.
mopped begged stepped jetted slipped patted slapped grabbed tapped plotted | everyone everybody everything anyone anybody anything |
Watch the video below and practise your handwriting. Again, I will be teaching you how to join up some letters.
In English today, you are going to be writing your letter to a child in 2030. Below, you can see a picture of how to set your letter out.
The address that you will send the letter to is:
Kids of 2020 Publicity Dept Usborne Books 83-85 Saffron Hill London EC1N 8RT Alternatively, you can email is to: |

Watch the video below and I will share my letter with you. Remember when you complete your writing, use all of the skills you know and show off what amazing writers you are. This is a competition so it needs to be your VERY best work. Use your work from Monday and Tuesday to help you.
Maths Meeting
3 x 2 = 6 x 2 = 9 x 2 = 4 x 2 = 11 x 2 = 12 x 2 3 x 5 = 6 x 5 = 11 x 5 = 9 x 5 = | 3 x 3 = 6 x 3 = 4 x 3 = 2 x 4 = 9 x 4 = 10 x 4 = 2 x 3 = 6 x 4 = |
We are going to continue with our work on Money. Today you are going to be counting money in pounds. Watch the video below to further your understanding.
Now complete the activities below. You can just write the answer to the questions but please make sure you write the question number in your maths book.

Now have a look at the activity below. Find the total of the £1 coins, the £2 coins and the £5 notes.

For the activity below, please write your answer in a sentence and make sure you explain why.

Read the extract below and time how long it takes you to read it. Can you get less than 60 seconds? Read it twice and time yourself both times. After you have finished reading it, please answer the questions.

After you have finished the questions, please complete the extra activities which are below.
1. What does happiness mean? 2. Where does Prince Charming live? 3. Where did she lose her glass slipper? 4. Did the slipper fit well? What word was used in the text to describe this? 5. Create four of your own questions about the text. |
I would like you to start your Art lesson by completing the warm up activity below. You need to split your page into 6 and then copy the patterns below into your first three boxes. After that, create three of your own patterns in the other three boxes but remember you have to fill the whole of the box.

Look at the famous piece of art work from Paul Klee. I want you to answer the following questions:
What can you see?
How many different shapes can you see?
Do you like the piece of art? Explain why!
What art materials do you think he used to create it?
How many different colours has he used?

Well done Year 2!
Your learning for today is complete, well done, you have worked exceptionally hard again. Now you need to finish the day with a story.
Don’t forget to email me your work!
Mrs Farrier