Good morning everyone. Welcome to week 4 of our home learning. It has been lovely to speak to everyone on the phone, see people on the zoom sessions and receive emails and photographs about the children’s learning. Thank you for keeping in touch.
We have two zoom sessions a day for children who want to attend. The sessions are at 11am and 1.30pm and I will read a story during each session.
- Share stories with your children daily, they are hugely important in their learning.
- Please sing or say rhymes with your child. If you do not know the tune, don’t worry. Your child might know it, or you can make up a tune or you could always say it rather than sing it. See Day 1 for the words to some of our popular rhymes.
- Please find opportunities for counting daily. This might be when playing with toys, having tea, or walking up the stairs.
Mark-making – Encourage your child to make marks on paper. Talk to them about the marks they have made and write down what they say about their picture.
Sound box – Put toys that make a sound in a box e.g. car, sheep, cow, dog etc. Make the sound with your voice and see if your child can find which toy would make that noise. There is a video link below if you need some ideas to do this at home.
Phonics – Environmental Sounds – Watch the following clip and see if your child knows what each sound is. It is really important for children to be able to distinguish between different sounds.
Sound Box – Watch the following clip and see if your child can guess what is in the box. Perhaps you could have a go at making your own sound box with things in your house?
Lockdown thoughts – Talk to your child about what it has been like to be at home during lockdown. Ask your child to draw a picture of themselves doing something that they have being up to at home and write down what your child says about their picture.
Please can you keep in touch with me via email to let me know how your child is getting on. Alternatively you could send me a message below. It would be lovely if you could send a photo or two of your children in their play. My email address is: