9:00 | 9:30 | 10:15 | 10:30 | 11:15 | 11:30 | 1:30 | 2:00 | 3:00 |
English | English Zoom Drop-in | Spelling | Reading | Maths | Maths Zoom Drop-in | Art | Art Zoom Drop-in | Story Time |
Please could I encourage all parents and children to ask if you would like your reading books changed as this can be easily arranged. Also, would it be possible to please send photos of your children’s reading records on a Monday or Friday to show evidence that you/your child has read 3 times that week. We want you to get credit for your achievements!
Invite to Join Year 6 English Drop-in Zoom Meeting (09:30)
Meeting ID: 999 2881 6013
Passcode: aQuF3N
Video input to English lesson:
SPaG: A successful writer will know when to move to a new paragraph. In non-fiction, the rules are that you should start a new paragraph following the INTRODUCTION, for each NEW TOPIC (FOCUS ISSUE) then to CONCLUDE (Remember sub-headings may trigger a new TOPIC (FOCUS ISSUE).
- Following the INTRODUCTION start a new paragraph.
- To discuss a NEW TOPIC (FOCUS ISSUE). Is there a sub-heading?
- To CONCLUDE the piece of writing.
Please look at the paragraph below and rewrite using the correct paragraphing:
Dragons are fantastic creatures common to both Western (European) and Eastern (Chinese and Indian) mythology. Whereas in European myths dragons tend to be destructive and evil, in Chinese myths they are usually kind, noble, wise, and help the people they come across. They are also different in the elements they are associated with: Western dragons are fiery creatures which breathe flame, and Chinese dragons are associated with water. What do dragons look like? Western dragons tend to have four legs, and also wings. They are usually scaly or reptilian in appearance, and their wings tend to be leathery, like a bat’s, rather than feathery like a bird’s. Chinese dragons are also scaly, but often don’t have four legs. Their colours are different too: Western dragons tend to be dull shades of brown and green, while Eastern dragons are usually brightly coloured.
LC: To write a letter to a child in 2030:
To start off this week we are going to try something different and join the children of 2020 in a letter writing activity linked to a book by P.G.Bell called ‘The Train to Impossible Places’ . The purpose of the project is to write a letter to a child in 2030, telling them how 2020 was for you, considering the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact.
What was 2020 like for you? What was different? Did you learn new things?
One day the letter you write might help children in the future learn about how coronavirus impacted children today, just like letters from important historical moments many years ago (such as World War I and World War II) tell us what life was like then.
A selection of the letters will be chosen by The Postal Museum to be included in an exhibition, both online and hopefully in real life too!
So this is what I would like you to do today:
Why is 2020 such a significant year in our history? Think about the IMPACT of the events of 2020 by drawing three circles: one for your own experience, one for your family’s experience, and one for society as a whole or on a worldwide scale. In each circle, draw or write down words that might summarise the different experiences of the pandemic.
Here are the spellings for this week:
Mr Emmerson’s Spelling Group: morning, mourning, past, passed, precede, proceed, principal, principle, profit, prophet, develop, dictionary, disastrous, embarrass, environment, equip, equipped, equipment, especially, excellent
(There are a number of homophones in these spellings so please ensure that you use the correct definition for the correct spelling)
Mrs Oakley’s Spelling Group: morning, mourning, past, passed, precede, proceed, principal, principle, profit, prophet, develop, dictionary, disastrous, embarrass, environment, equip, equipped, equipment, especially, excellent
Focus on the spellings from your group and complete the following activities:
Spelling Activity:
It is Monday morning and an introduction to this week’s spellings. Write them all down for the first time. Check how many syllables each one has and look up their definitions. Make sure you understand the definitions. (You don’t have to write them down just ensure you understand them and if you don’t, then please ask)
All of these spellings are on Spelling Shed under either Spring Week 4 Mrs Oakley or Spring Week 4 Mr Emmerson
An Interview with NIxie Labs
Nixie Labs, Inc. is an American company based in Silicon Valley in California. The team of scientists and engineers at Nixie Labs is developing the world’s first small wearable camera drone. In this interview, a computer scientist from Nixie Labs explains the project.
Floris Ernst is a computer scientist working on the Nixie drone’s flight control systems. We asked him about the project and his work…
What are you making?
‘I’m helping to create Nixie, a wearable camera drone. Nixie will be portable, automatic and help take spectacular pictures outdoors by automatically framing the user. I am working on the motion sensors and algorithms to make Nixie fly smoothly and accurately.’
How did the Nixie project start?
‘Christophe, the inventor of Nixie, was inspired by the idea of a drone to help take photos of exciting outdoor sports like rock climbing. It’s really hard to handle a camera while hanging on to a cliff but there is a potential for great pictures. Nixie could open up the sky to amateur photographers.’
What makes this drone different?
‘Nixie is wearable! That makes it easy to transport and use everywhere. Most camera drones are bulky and slow to set up, and require a dedicated pilot or GPS-mapped flight plan. Nixie does one thing: take pictures of its owner. By automating this, we can redefine the design so anyone can use it confidently.’
Is it safe for people to use drones?
‘We’re thinking a lot about safety. Automating its flight reduces pilot error. Nixie is small and light so it won’t do major damage even if it crashes. But people still need to think carefully and be considerate to others before they launch Nixie. I personally don’t like the idea of drones flying around and peeking into every hole.’
How will Nixie be used?
‘We think Nixie will suit sportspeople, like rock climbers. But we’ve spoken to people in firefighting, where a cheap, quick drone to help them to help them see a new angle of a dangerous situation could help them a lot. Wearing a Nixie might also help locate people in alpine rescue or other emergency situations.’
What’s next for the Nixie project?
‘There’s a lot of work to do! We need to work out the best shape to make Nixie a user-friendly, wearable device, We’re experimenting with how to control Nixie, such as with smartphone or gestures. And we need to improve how accurately Nixie can return to its owner once its taken its pictures. It will be a busy year.’
Questions: (Please look at the mark weight for each answer. If the question can award you 2 marks, then you will need to either find 2 points taken from the text or 1 point with an explanation using evidence from the text. Make sure you know which is which)
- According to Floris Ernst, what “one thing” is Nixie designed to do? (1 mark)
- Why does Floris Ernst think Nixie will appeal to rock climbers? (1 mark)
- Why might camera drones like Nixie create concerns about people’s privacy? (2 marks)
- Give two ways in which the emergency services could use camera drones. (2 marks)
- How do you think Floris Ernst feels about working on Nixie? Explain your answer. (2 marks)
- Do you think Nixie is a good invention? Explain your answer.
Join Year 6 Maths Drop-in Zoom Meeting (11:30)
Meeting ID: 984 8243 0346
Passcode: Kx4NGj
Video Input to the maths lesson:
Maths Meeting:
4.38 x 15 =
2/3 – 3/21 =
43% of 20 =
414 divided by 18 =
3542 x 38 =
Maths: LC: To order percentages / fractions / decimals.
We continue to take and re-look at a couple of areas, involving percentages, which I feel are important and that your confidence with the strategies used is further embedded. We are looking at ordering percentages, fractions and decimals which we have done previously but with which I would like to try a new approach. Please watch the video above which explains and leads into the questions below.
Challenge questions:
No challenge questions. A challenge is not what I am looking at today. What I would like is your confidence with the above and that is why I have taken a step back and recovered a bit of ground. If you feel satisfied with your understanding of today’s learning on ordering percentages, fractions and decimals, then your challenge is met.
Join Year 6 Afternoon Drop-in Zoom Meeting (2:00)
Meeting ID: 965 7061 0837
Passcode: EKX5kf
Following on from previous weeks and our work using the style of Romero Britto.
On the first week, we looked at some of Romero Britto’s artwork and used his examples to create one of our own. Following the design but changing the animal/feature within the centre of the artwork.
We followed this in the second week, by taking Rumpelstiltskin, our traditional tale character, and placed him into a piece of Romero Britto style artwork.
This week, your job is to create a character of your own which you will create using Romero Britto’s style. You should be coming a lot more used to his style now and what it needs to make that style a success so this next opportunity should be your greatest piece yet. Impress me! Make sure you share it with me.
Story time
Hope by Anthony Horowitz
The town of Hope, near Aberdeen. Is somewhere I have seldom been. But then it’s not a tourist trap – It isn’t even on the map!
There’s certainly not much to see. They’ve closed the local library. Because they said there is no need. When no one in the town can read. They’ve got a pub and a hotel. But neither of them’s doing well. The hotel isn’t quite the Ritz. The beds have fleas, the staff have nits. The only pub, ‘The Rose and Crown’. Is easily the worst in town.
The one theatre’s sadly gone. It burned down while a play was on. (The critics thought it was so dire. That all of them preferred the fire) The cinema is second rate. The films are always out of date. The last James Bond film that I saw. Had Bond still played by Roger Moore.
The pavements are never clean. Because the council’s far too mean. To pay for cleaners – and the park. Is only open after dark. The grass is lumpy, full of weeds. And dogs can only walk on leads. There is a children’s playground but. When school is finished, it is shut.
The Chief of Police is eighty-two. He can’t catch crooks. He can’t catch flu. The vicar surely won’t be missed. Since he’s become an atheist. The mayor sold his golden chain. And then was never seen again. The local paper isn’t bought. Because there’s nothing to report. The school is like a concrete bunker. Matron’s drunk. The head is drunker.
Now , living here must really stink. At least, that is what you think. But that is simply not the case. There is no more delightful place. The fun and laughter never ends. Everyone is best of friends. And all the residents agree. There’s nowhere else they’d rather be.
So if your feeling uninspired. Sleeping badly, waking tired. If everything is going wrong. The day feels dark, the nights too long. Remember all the people who. Have found the following is true:
It’s so much easier to cope. If you decide to live in Hope.