Story Time
Please try to follow the timetable as closely as you possibly can.


Invite to Join Year 6 English Drop-in Zoom Meeting (09:30)


Meeting ID: 947 3479 2979

Passcode: 0Qg37p

Video input to English lesson:

Use of previous videos please if guidance is required.

SPaG: A successful writer will know when to move to a new paragraph. In fiction, the rules are that you should start a new paragraph when PERSON, PLACE, TIME or TOPIC has changed.

  • When you change the setting (PLACE) you begin a new paragraph.
  • When a new character (PERSON) is introduced.
  • When there is a change of speaker (PERSON).
  • When TIME moves backwards or forwards, you begin a new paragraph.
  • When a new event (TOPIC) happens, you begin a new paragraph.

Please look at the paragraph below and rewrite using the correct paragraphing:

And indeed, Gem did not know. She had never considered why knights killed dragons, just accepted it as one of those things knights did to be – well, you know – ‘knightly’. The old knights told proud stories of the dragons they had killed, spurring the younger knights on to emulate them. Some knights even proudly displayed stuffed and mounted dragons heads on the walls of their chambers. A knight who had not killed a dragon was not really a knight, and up until now, Gem had been feeling rather proud of herself for her first kill. The dragon spoke again ‘So you go around killing creatures without knowing why?’ it questioned softly. ‘Isn’t there a name for people who do that? Would that be a murderer, for example?’ ‘No,’ protested Gem, ‘you’re only a murderer if you kill people. Dragons don’t . . .  ‘she broke off, blushing even more. ‘Count,’ the dragon finished for her. ‘I see – dragons just don’t count!’

LC: To innovate a text: From the feedback that I have had within and outside of school I am under the impression that we need a further day on the innovation of our text so….Today we finish innovating our traditional tale. I will place the ending to the text underneath and then I will model how I would adapt and improve the start of this piece. However please remember, you can do this better than me. Improve it with consideration to the character that you designed and make this traditional tale your own. Use those wonderful grammar skills you have at your disposal and make it an ending you can be proud of. (However, if you have finished please PURPLE POLISH and improve)


On the third day the messenger came back and told her, “I couldn’t find out a single new name but as I came upon a high mountain round the forest corner by the back of beyond, I saw a little house. In front of the house, a fire was burning and over the fire the funniest little man was leaping and hopping on one leg and crying, “Today I’ll bake, tomorrow I’ll brew, the next I’ll fetch the queen’s new child. Still no one knows it just the same, that Rumpelstiltskin is my name.”

You can imagine how glad the queen was when she heard the name and when soon afterwards the little man stepped in and asked, “Well, Lady Queen, what’s my name?” she at first pondered.

Then she asked first of all, “Is you name Tom?”


“Is your name Dick?”


“Might your name perhaps be Rumpelstiltskin?”

“The devil told you, the devil told you,” shrieked the little man and in his anger he stamped his right foot so deep into the earth that he sank down as far as his waist.  Then he seized his left foot with both hands in a rage and tore himself right down the middle into two.

How I could innovate:

A number of days later, a tired messenger returned to the palace and immediately sought the company of the queen. He sadly informed her, “I couldn’t find a single new name but as entered the Forbidden Forest and made my way along the edge of Dead Man’s corner, my eye was caught by a strange looking, slightly dishevelled cottage which I had never encountered before.”


Here are the spellings for this week:

Mr Emmerson’s Spelling Group: draft, draught, father, farther, guessed, guest, heard, herd, led, lead, conscious, controversy, convenience, correspond, criticise, curiosity, definite, desert, desperate, determined.
(There are a number of homophones in these spellings so please ensure that you use the correct definition for the correct spelling)

Mrs Oakley’s Spelling Group: co-ordinate, re-enter, co-operate, co-own, semi-skimmed, mother-in-law, cul-de-sac, free-for-all, left-handed, right-handed, eighteen-year-old

Focus on the spellings from your group and complete the following activities:

Spelling Activity:

Please choose an activity from your spelling activity pack and use this for today’s spelling session. It is your choice so please enjoy and ensure that it prepares you ready for tomorrows spelling quiz.

All of these spellings are on Spelling Shed under either Spring Week 3 Mrs Oakley or Spring Week 3 Mr Emmerson


The Lion and the Hare

There was once a brave young lion. He was strong and swift. His coat shone in the sunlight and his mane glinted like a crown around his head. When he roared, all the other animals trembled. He strutted around the plains, king of all he saw.

One afternoon, the lion awoke with a stomach as empty as a cave. There were usually many animals around for him to hunt and eat. Herds of zebras, gazelles and antelopes often grazed nearby. Wildebeests and impalas would wander through. Today was different. Today the plains seemed empty.

For months now, there had been no rain. The waterholes where animals had gathered to drink had all dried up. Most of then animals had moved north, where the grass was greener and there was more rain.

Suddenly, from out of the corner of his eye, the lion saw the grass twitching. He turned and saw the tips of two long, brown ears. A hare, he thought. How perfect! An easy meal if there ever was one. Small, maybe, but enough for today.

The lion licked his lips and started to move towards the hare…then he stopped. He had spotted an antelope, grazing in the afternoon sunshine. The hare would make an easy meal, but if he could catch an antelope, he would have a feast!

His mouth watering, the lion made his decision.Quick as a flash, he leapt out from his hiding place and chased after the antelope. But the lion, weak and tired from lack of food, was soon left far behind.

Slowly, he turned and wandered back to the spot where he had watched the hare nibbling the grass. It was nowhere to be found.

The lion was left with nothing. Just a very empty stomach and the feeling that maybe he should have been content with what he had to start with.


  1. What is the purpose of this text? What is the warning to the reader? (1 mark)
  2. his mane glinted like a crown around his head What does this simile suggest about the lion’s mane? (1 mark)
  3. Give two reasons from the text why most of the other animals in the story had gone north. (2 marks)
  4. Find a copy a phrase from the second half of the text which tells you that the lion is hungry. (1 mark)
  5. At the beginning of the story, why do you think that the lion is described as being ‘the king of all he saw’? Use words and phrases from the rest of the story to explain your answer. (3 marks) (For 3 marks you will need 3 pieces of supporting evidence from the text)

Join Year 6 Maths Drop-in Zoom Meeting (11:30)


Meeting ID: 991 3730 3016

Passcode: i4hgzJ

Video Input to the maths lesson:

Maths Meeting:

120 x 30 = 176.28 + 38.35 = 3704 divided by 4 =

1210 divided by 11 = 0.4 divided by 10 =

Maths: LC: To find missing percentages.

I would like to try a different strategy today as I would like you to watch this White Rose Video where the lady explains how to find percentages considering missing values. I feel that more practise is required here and this will give us another chance to look at this from a different direction. Re-watch the video to help confirm your understanding of what is required. The video leads into the worksheets below.

Challenge questions:

No challenge questions today. Please make sure you are confident with the strategies needed to solve the above problems. Our priority is to understand how percentages of a quantity work.


Join Year 6 Afternoon Drop-in Zoom Meeting (2:00)


Meeting ID: 998 6146 9500

Passcode: y2GkUs

During another period of lockdown, it is very important that we take care of ourselves with regards our body and of course our mental health. As Year 6 children, you are the oldest children within the school so what would be great is if we as a school could benefit from your wisdom and to be able to channel into those highly tuned minds of yours to create a beneficial mental and body health approach for the school.

How you do this is up to you. You may want to create an information leaflet that considers both health elements. So you may have a section that begins: ‘To make sure your mind stays healthy you must…’ and another section that begins: ‘To make sure your body stays healthy you must…’ and then within each section detail what a child (or adult) would need to do during this particularly difficult time to ensure that there mind and body stays healthy.

However, as mentioned, how you do this is up to you but please use the above areas to aim your support for your peers in school. Let me list some ideas which I thought you could use:

  1. A video (an interview, hot seating style or even acting out scenarios with one child guiding another child).
  2. A comic strip.
  3. Information posters.
  4. A letter to be distributed to all children.
  5. A newspaper article where you take on the role of journalist.
  6. A piece of fiction with a moral.
  7. Creation of a healthy mind / healthy body game.

This list is not exhaustive and it being your decision but please remember the focus. Your knowledge will be there to guide people so spread your wisdom, do you research and help your friends and peers in school to stay healthy in every way that they can.

Story time

The Monk and the Armadillo by Onjali Q. Rauf

Situated somewhere between the cold, snowy peaks of Nepal and the tall, swaying mango trees of India, stands the highest mountain your imagination can possibly imagine. And right on the very top of this mountain’s tip lays a single straw hut, inside which lived a monk – a very holy man, who believed it was his calling to sit on top of this mountain in complete isolation until he understood the depth and breadth of the universe and everything in between.

Now, sitting in a straw hut all day and all night, with nothing but the sun and the moon and the wind to keep you company, can get awfully boring. Especially if you’ve been doing it for fifty years, as this very wise monk had. And so, deep down in his heart, the monk began to grow restless and started to hope for a sign. A sign that would tell him his knowledge was complete, that he had learned everything he could possibly learn, and that he should return back down the mountain to the beautiful village he had once grown up in, the friends he had left behind and the food he couldn’t help dreaming about. Having survived on nothing but grains and seeds collected from between the rocks of the mountain for fifty years, the monk secretly hoped his sign would come soon. For oh! How he longed to taste a bowl of hot, delicious noodles, floating with a million spring onion hoops, just like his mother used to make. And even though he could have left the mountain at any time, the monk knew in his heart that he had to wait for a sign if he was to leave it in peace.

A year went by. And another. And another. And still the monk continued to secretly hope. Until one day, all the way from the golden, hot sands of Arabia, his sign began to make its way to him! For a mighty storm was hurtling across the desert plains and, like the inside of a giant washing machine, had snatched a poor armadillo up in its arms. The armadillo, frightened and alone, curled itself up into a tiny ball of iron armour and squeezing its eyes tight, hoped with all its heart that it would land safe and sound and not too far from home. The storm was fierce and wild and hungry and, unknown to the armadillo, loved to travel. So imagine its surprise when, on feeling itself being dropped, the armadillo found itself not in a desert at all! But outside the door of a straw hut, situated on a snow-capped peak of a mountain that stood so high above the clouds it could almost touch the stars.

And imagine the monks surprise when, just a few hours later, he opened his door to find a poor armadillo shaking at his feet.

“It is here,” cried the monk, lifting the armadillo up in his hands with a joyous smile. “My sign is here! And it is need of help!” And thinking that the skies had brought this little life to his door, the monk ran down the mountain at once to find help for his new friend.

I am pleased to say that the monk and the armadillo went on to become great friends, for each had fulfilled the hopes of the other. The monk by forever after keeping the armadillo warm and fed and happy, and the armadillo by inspiring the monk to become a vet and eat just as many bowls of hot, delicious noodles as he liked.

Daily Work Feedback – Year 6

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